Friday 31 December 2021

In This Dark World, Do Your Words Leave Room for Hope?

It was a simple, short sentence. Just three words really.

But I’ve been haunted by them ever since.

Convicted by the lack of hope I left in their wake.

Has that ever happened to you?

You open your mouth, and out comes words that you regret the moment they take wings and fly. Or maybe, you don’t feel it right away. Perhaps, it takes some time for the uneasiness to settle into your consciousness and ruffle your conscience.  But sooner or later, it pricks you.

You want to shine light and sprinkle grace with your words, to point others to the hope you find in Christ, yet sometimes you do just the opposite. You proclaim a death sentence. A chilling judgment that leaves no room for hope, no encouragement to look for how God will show up, as He always does.

Yes, I know, I understand. The situation looks dire. It has been years and your loved one is still caught in a pattern of self-destructive behaviour. Your bills keep outrunning your income, and you feel like you can’t keep up. And as for your health, some days you don’t even have the energy to fight on. But hear me, carefully. All is not lost.

God is still on His throne, and you are still His child. He is working in ways you can’t even see, and He hasn’t lost sight of you or the problems that plague you and your loved ones. In fact, He still has the whole world in His grasp.

There is hope. Always hope.

I’m a firm believer that one cannot live without hope. And there is no surer hope than the Hope found in God the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son.

So, how do we keep this Hope front and centre? How does it seep into our very beings, so much so, that it overflows in our words and actions?

As we bid farewell to 2021, and with it the second year of the global pandemic, I’m choosing three simple R’s to hold onto Hope.

1) Reflect on God as Light

The words of John 1:5 seem to be stuck on full beam in my mind.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ~ John 1:5 (ESV)

I can sit with that verse for the whole day. It reminds me that no matter how dismal or dark the world or our circumstances seem, darkness does not win; God’s light always breaks through!

Sometimes, though, it’s hard to find the light. Sometimes, it takes time for our eyes to adjust to the darkness, to search for the shards of light breaking through. But they are always there. To help us see, we need to take time to remember.

2) Remember the Goodness of God

When we glance back over the year, and our gaze descends on the dark days, let’s look closely for the sparks of light. Let’s choose to remember what God has done for us, how He showed up in merciful and surprising ways.

For instance, I think of the pain of losing my sister-in-law, way too soon, and yet I remember God’s mercy to her and the light she shone so brilliantly in her life and even in her dying. Yes, the pain is still there, even overwhelming at times, but somehow by remembering God’s mercy, it becomes more bearable.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to minimize or disregard your pain, I’m simply reminding us to look for God. He has promised never to leave us and when we look back and remember, we can see that He has kept His word.

This is exactly why we rejoice.

3) Rejoice in the Steadfastness of God

Even when life feels uncertain, when everything around us is changing, and we are struggling to find solid ground, we can rejoice. Why? Because God is steadfast.

He never changes, He remains the Rock we can stand on, cling to, and find shelter in. And He constantly pursues us with His unchanging love. Even when we have failed to reflect Him, to use our words and actions to spread hope, He offers us grace.

Nothing quite fills us with hope like rejoicing in the steadfast love and faithfulness of God.

So, there you have it, my friend, nothing complicated, just three simple R’s to help us hold onto Hope and shine light and sprinkle grace wherever we go.


What about you?

Do you need to take time to reflect, remember and rejoice today?

Do you ever feel convicted by your hope-stripping words?

Don’t worry, God’s grace is sufficient for us all. 

As we reflect on God as our Light, remember His goodness and mercy to us, and rejoice in his steadfast love and faithfulness, may the hope that He offers consume us.

May this Hope sink in deep and settle in the crevices of our hearts, our minds, our very souls. May it touch everything in our lives, the way we see the world, the way we interact with others, and especially the words that we use.

May our hope-drenched words shower us and others with the courage to keep on believing.

For isn’t that what we all need in this world? May God help us all.


Grace and peace be multiplied to you,



  1. So Encouraging, thank you for sharing!

    1. You're welcome, Sari; I pray that you will always see the light and enjoy the abundant life God offers us.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful uplifting post. This time of year is a perfect time to reflect, remember and rejoice.

    1. Thanks, Theresa. Taking time to reflect, remember, and rejoice feels right at New Year and also all through the year. Every season is a good one to renew our hope in God. Blessings to you, and thanks for visiting today.

  3. What an encouraging post! Thanks for sharing this uplifting message!

    1. Thanks so much, Hadassah; I'm grateful you were blessed.

  4. Carlie ... just WOW! I am also a believer that we can't live without hope. Your post is SO well written and encouraging! I can feel God all over it, as if He wrote it Himself, which I believe He did! Blessings in this new year, sweet sister ... ❤️

    1. Thank you for your sweet encouragement, Donna! Blessings to you as we journey through 2022!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Darcie. I hope you were encouraged. Thanks for dropping by today.

  6. Your post offers a positive foundation for us to build on for 2022: God's Light, God's Goodness, God's Steadfastness, and Hope. Praise God, with these glorious attributes and more, He WILL see us through! Thank you, Carlie!

    1. Thanks for summing it up so nicely, Nancy. We truly can depend on Him. Blessings for 2022!

  7. Carlie, such a beautiful post! How often we want our words to reflect the hope living within us, yet, we fall short. Excellent advice on keeping Hope front and center!!

    1. Thanks, Donna! I'm grateful it was a blessing. In 2022, let's keep moving forward with our eyes fixed on the Reason for our hope. Blessings to you!

  8. This was such an encouraging post, Carlie. I'm joining you this morning in praying for His hope to consume me (us) for Hope is what we all need.

    1. Thanks, Joanne, and thanks for sharing. I'm confident that God will answer our prayer.

  9. So beautifully spoken. I love your insights and encouragement within. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Paula. Blessings for the new year as we keep Hope front and center.

  10. This goes so beautifully with my word of the year focus. Rest. Learning to rest in Him. Visiting you from the tune in Thursday link up.

    1. Rest is always a good word, Lauren. So many layers and so much to learn. When we remember who God is and all that He has done for us, rest comes easier doesn't it? But yet it is always a challenge. Praying you'll enjoy sweet rest in 2022.

  11. I feel calmer, and more hopeful from reading your words! God's grace and His promises are enough, even in our darkest days.

    1. So grateful, Lynn! Yes! God's grace and His promises are enough! I pray we let that amazing truth sink in deep and carry us through even our darkest days.

  12. I will be featuring this post on the Grace and Truth Link up this Friday. Thanks so much for linking up.

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren! :) I pray others are encouraged as they reflect, remember and rejoice. May the steadfast love of God grant us sweet rest and refreshed hope today and onwards.

  13. There is always hope. I need to remember that...always! Sometimes it's easy to forget when things seem dark, but the Light is always with us, in us, and I'm grateful for His presence.

    1. Yes! Me, too, Lisa; I'm so grateful for the Light. Blessings on the new year!

  14. Hi Carlie,
    This is beautifully inspirational. Your words are threaded with hope and His children aren't we meant to point others to the one who is Hope?
    I'll be featuring your post tomorrow on the link up. :)

    Peace and grace,

    1. Thank you, Tammy! Praying that others will find the Hope that we enjoy through Jesus Christ. Blessings to you and your ministry of sharing hope.


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